A roof is a long-term investment, so you shouldn’t rush into it yet, yet sometimes the best strategy is to get one ASAP. Waiting longer could cost the structural integrity of your home or, worse, the health of the occupants. Yet replacing the roof at a strategic time could lead to cost-cutting and lower utility bills.
While at it, you want to replace the classic roof with eye-catching, aesthetic temporary designs and materials such as sim-shingles, PVC vinyl, and dome-shaped concrete tiles. So, how do you know it’s the right time to get an aesthetic roof? Discover ten tell-tale signs you should replace your roof.

1. Your Warranty’s Expiring
An expiring roof warrant is one of the most obvious signs you need to get a new roof for your home. A warrant protects against specific issues, such as manufacturing defects and water infiltration, but only within a specific time frame. After the warrant expires, your roof is no longer covered by the warranty. Consequently, you’ll bear the financial burden of repairs should damage occur. The roof may also worsen and risk your home’s structural integrity.
An expiring roof warrant is a loud sign for a new, aesthetic roof. The expiration suggests that the roof has reached the end of its lifespan. The materials on the roof may deteriorate, reducing comfort and safety in your home. Of course, not every roof will be the same after the warranty period because of differences in climate. The best strategy is to call an inspector to guide you on whether roof replacements are necessary.
So, how do you know if your warranty roof expires, especially if you moved into the house after the roof installation? The easiest way to know when your roof will expire is to check the warranty document. Some roofing companies also send notifications when your roof will expire, saving you some guesswork. Alternatively, you can contact the company for roof installation and expiry dates.
2. Your Roof Is 20 Years Old
According to a report on US News, the average life span of asphalt shingles is 20 years, but that of slate and metal can go up to 50 years. It’s no secret that asphalt is America’s favorite roofing material. Thus, if your asphalt shingle roof has been basking in the sun and soaking the rain for two decades, it’s time for an aesthetic roof. As the roof ages past 20 years, your roof may become more prone to normal wear and tear. In the long run, it won’t protect your family and assets from the elements.
The 20-year-old mark is a sign it’s time to take a direct approach to assuring the safety of your house. You even get the chance to choose things like color and material for the next roofing project. Hire a local metal roofing company to get a roof that’ll last more than 50 years without damage. It’s also a chance to increase efficiency and durability using roofing best practices. A new roof will help you avoid costly repairs in the long term.
You can know if your roof has hit its 20th birthday by checking the construction date or purchase documents. These documents will have all the information if the house is as old as the roof. Alternatively, you can call an inspector to give you an estimate of the roof’s age.

3. Your Neighbors Just Got a New One
Your neighbors just got a new roof; shouldn’t you get one too? We’re not suggesting a copycat, but it could mean multiple things if your neighbors get a new roof. First, if the houses are similar, your roof life span is also around the corner because they both experience the same climate. Seeing your neighbor make home improvements may also offer the much-needed inspiration to make improvements.
One of the biggest advantages of getting a new aesthetic roof with your neighbors is cost discounts. You can buy materials in bulk together and share delivery costs. They can also recommend a local roofing company they have worked with, thus saving you time and the hassle of vetting contractors. Besides, new roofing materials have gone through innovations and testing so that a new one may outperform older materials.
If all of your neighbors renovate and get new roofs, and you don’t, your home will stand out, and not for the right reasons. With all that competition, selling a home in your neighborhood may be even harder. Yet, with a new roof, you contribute to the community by maintaining the aesthetic harmony of the neighborhood.
4. Your Roof Is Sagging
You’re enjoying iced tea in your backyard when you notice a dip in your roof. The center of the roof seems to be lower than the edges. Is your family safe? Could the roof cave in?
A sagging roof is often caused by a heavy weight, such as heavy snow, debris, or ice. Weakened rafters and beams exacerbate it. Without roof replacement, the roof may cave in and cause injuries to occupants.
Roof sagging is a sign you need to replace the roof because the structural support is weakening. When replacing the roof before sagging worsens, you protect the occupants by restoring structural integrity. Besides, an aesthetic roof adds curb appeal to your home while reducing your budget.
Roof sagging could be because of heavy materials on the roof, such as rotting debris and ice. So, it’s best to work with a qualified roofing specialist to inspect and remove the sagging roof. Of all the roofing problems you can fix, leave this one out because you could put yourself at risk.

5. There’s Moss Growing
Growing moss is a bad sign, and you should plan to remove it ASAP. It looks like a green to brownish carpet when it’s growing. Some factors that facilitate its growth are limited sunlight or shade plus high humidity. If left to proliferate, moss will retain moisture leading to water damage on the roof. Soon the roots will weaken the shingles, and the roof won’t have a long lifespan.
Besides, the roof will lose its curb appeal, leading to high utility bills. The best strategy is to call roof contractors ASAP to reduce moss growth and potential damage. If the moss isn’t so widespread, they can fix the problem without a replacement. However, they’ll likely replace it with an aesthetic roof. Be sure to ask them for the best tips to ensure your new roof won’t be susceptible to moss.
6. There Are Missing Shingles
Are there visible gaps on your roof or shingle granules in the gutter and ground? You may miss shingles due to strong weather, such as fast winds or deteriorating roofing materials. It’s best to call expert roofers to check the extent of damage before making any decisions.
Missing shingles expose the roofing material beneath, thus increasing the risk of water infiltration, thus causing water damage. Without any intervention, missing shingles would jeopardize the whole roofing system. You may also cough up more energy bills because of excessive heat loss and gain. If strong winds blow around your house, the missing spots add more pressure to the remaining shingles, thus exacerbating the problem.
In some cases, the damage is minor, and only a few shingles are missing. A roofing repair would be more suitable because it will help you save on costs. However, if you have missing shingles in multiple spots, replacing them with an aesthetic roof is advisable.

7. The Shingles Are Curling
Prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight can exacerbate roof curling. Shingles curling could also be a sign that the roof has hit its lifespan; thus, it’s time for a replacement. High humidity and poor-quality shingles could be the culprit behind shingles curling. Regardless of the cause, it’s prudent to call local roofing companies to check and fix the extent of the damage.
When shingles start to curl, it exposes the vulnerable underlayers, thus compromising protection from elements. It also increases the risk of leaks, water damage, and mold. While you could repair some parts of the roof, complete replacement offers you and the house’s occupants protection and peace of mind. You’ll also notice a dip in utility bills because curled shingles can lead to energy loss and gain.
8. There’s a Leak
Have you been doing your business in the house only to discover mold spots and a damp floor? You could be having a roof leak. Roofing repair can fix a minor roof leak, yet major issues cropping up are a sign you need to do a complete roof overhaul in your home. Leaks not only compromise the functioning of your roof but also cause health problems such as colds and allergic reactions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), molds are a precursor to allergic and asthmatic reactions.
When you react promptly by installing a new roof, you ensure the health protection of your home’s occupants. Besides, ignoring a leak can lead to structural damage and financial burden in the long run. Even though you may perceive you are saving money by not purchasing a new roof, the high utility bills, health risks, and potential house damage will siphon your savings. A new aesthetic roof will cost a penny, but it will save you additional expenses in the future.
The best strategy is to look for different roofing options for your leaking roof. You can even consider a different roofing material, such as metal because it has a longer life span. All you’ll need is a reliable metal roofing service with a good warranty service.
9. There Are Critters in Your Attic
You are having an afternoon siesta, but the strange noises—scratching and squeaking—keep you awake. Is your house invaded? Critters invade your roof if you hear strange noises, see visible droppings, or smell unpleasant odors from the attic. Chewed and damaged insulation materials indicate an unwelcome guest in your attic. It also means your roof has cracks and openings, allowing small animals to make your attic their home.
The problem is, you can’t leave the critters in the attic as animal friendly as you may be. They’ll chew your wires, exposing them to electrical fires and permanent damage. According to the National Fire Protection Association, critters contributed to a fire start that led to 15 civilian injuries and $13 million in damages in 2009-2013. Apart from fires, some critters are disease and pathogen careers, which can put your family at a health risk.
Roof repairs can help solve the problem of critters if the damage is minimal, but often the damage is multiple spots, and repairs will become more frequent as the critters increase. Instead, consider a total replacement. Not only will you get an aesthetic roof, but you’ll also have a quiet sleep without disturbance from rodents.
10. You’re Selling Your Home
A big resounding reason to get a new roof is when you’re selling your home. If your roof is too old and chapped, it could turn away prospective customers. Since roofs are quite conspicuous, they are one of the first things prospective buyers will see even before getting to the house. A new aesthetic roof screams: “Buy me.” A faded roof gives the impression you have not taken care of the building well.
Yet aesthetics is not the only reason to call a roofing contractor. Old, leaky, and damaged roofs have problems such as high energy bills, molds, and compromised structural integrity. A new buyer will likely order an inspection report that will discover your roof has problems. Many buyers will worry that an old roof will cost them either a new roof or costly repairs occasionally.
Getting a new roof is a big financial commitment, but the benefits are worth it. However, you can’t replace a roof every five years because there’s no reason for it, and it would only lead to waste. Luckily, there are some tell-tale signs it’s time for an aesthetic roof. With this detailed guide, you better understand when to call a roofing specialist. They can assure you if o wait a little longer or replace the roof now.